Alternatively, you can just stop worrying about the miserable waiting lists and celebrate the occasion indoors. Be creative and discover how a fresh floral centrepiece can create miracle on tables. We talks to some floral experts to garner their opinion on how to select and assemble the right centrepeice, evoking the perfect mood for a successful meal.

Take a break from the romance overflow and prepare for something timeless. How can you not like a bubbly toast for every celebration, but on the other hand, how much do you know about the thing you drink? In the World of Sparkling Wine feature, we clear any confusions and illustrate the differences in a variety of sparkling wines.

February Issue: The Romance Issue out now!
We were delighted to having featured our award winning Raventos i Blanc Cava at the "World of sparkling wines" in the CRAVE February Issue. We look forward to more similar features and to bring outstanding products to the readers of CRAVE - by Thomas Egloff, Owner at Finessa